Here is an excerpt from my latest book that was released on Halloween 2021, Blackwood!


I am Fiona Howell, a writer and an Irish musician. I have self-published one novella on Amazon, The Locked Box and two poems in an anthology, On and Off the Road: Poems of New Hampshire by the Peterborough Poetry Project.
I love history and especially history mysteries, the stories that we don't have the answers to yet. That is what most of my writing is about; my version of events.
Some call me Ginny Weasley, like from Harry Potter. I don't mind because Harry Potter is my favorite series (hence the Gryffindor attire).
If you would like to hear my Irish music,
head on over here:

New Projects
Beneath the Hawthorn Tree
This is a ghost hunting story about YouTubers who discover that the supernatural is in fact very real.
This story is about to be on the third draft.
The Promised Kind
This is a Regency mystery story about a newly married lady who suspects her husband of poisoning her to get her money.
This book has been drafted.
Treasure Hunter Chronicles Trilogy
This is a trilogy about treasure hunters. The main character wants revenge on her ex-fiancé for leaving her to die on an island.
All three books have been drafted. The first book is on draft #3.